the Pearls of Great Price blog

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I blog to show parents they can trust God to provide for their families as they walk in His ways.

The Sabbath or Sunday was made for us; to rest, to pray and to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture

Honoring The Sabbath (Part 2)

Kingdom of God

Peace cannot come from the world. Happiness, which is fleeting, comes from the world, but peace must come from our relationship with our Creator- the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no true peace without God’s direction. Only He can guide our lives and those in our family in order to have it fluidly work with […]



two person holding white and green peace wreath

What is faith anyway? Faith asks us to forgo what we see, think and feel. Faith is the opposite of sight. “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Heb 11:1) Many people pray to the Lord, knowing He can help them because He is all powerful, but […]

What Is Faith?


faith, praying, man praying

How to receive an answer from God is a question all of us have asked in our Christian walk. And the simple answer is- asking is required to receive an answered prayer from God, and obedience is the key that opens the ear of God. I’m sure many of us have thought to ourselves “I have […]

How To Receive Answers From God
