the Pearls of Great Price blog

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I blog to show parents they can trust God to provide for their families as they walk in His ways.

Being deeply rooted in God’s Word will enable us to successfully overcome and thrive after a life storm. If not, we will use human ideas to numb our pain, which will never solve the issue long term. God created us to live abundantly our entire lives“I have come so that they may have life and […]

Deeply Rooted In God’s Word

Kingdom of God

photo of old tree

We all hunger for something, it’s human nature. For some, it’s the perfect relationship, for others, fame, fortune or respect and admiration. There are countless desires of the human heart but I can be pretty certain, all of them involve having the respect, admiration or financial benefits of being “top dog” in something. But what […]

What Are You Hungry For?


The Sabbath or Sunday was made for us; to rest, to pray and to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture

Honoring The Sabbath (Part 2)

Kingdom of God

What was given to believers at the resurrection? We were given a clean slate, free of condemnation for our poor behavior (aka sin) as well as the ability to participate in the abundant life. The Resurrection showed all people as well as Satan and his demons, that Jesus Christ is the all powerful Lord and […]

The Resurrection

Kingdom of God

What is the right path to take- is a question most of us have asked ourselves at some point in life. If we are Christian, we may have asked the Lord to clearly mark out the best choice. If we were purposeful in bible study and waited patiently for God to answer, I’d venture to […]

What Is The Right Path?

Kingdom of God

fork in road