the Pearls of Great Price blog
I blog to show parents they can trust God to provide for their families as they walk in His ways.
The Garden of Eden Story is a story that must be understood in order to understand the big questions. such as “Why is there pain in the world, cancer, divorce, abuse, poverty and wickedness?” “Why doesn’t God do anything?” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. He then made man […]
We all hunger for something, it’s human nature. For some, it’s the perfect relationship, for others, fame, fortune or respect and admiration. There are countless desires of the human heart but I can be pretty certain, all of them involve having the respect, admiration or financial benefits of being “top dog” in something. But what […]
Many sermons in Christian Evangelical churches discuss being a follower of Jesus. Worship teams also compile song sets that have the theme of following Christ with lyrics such as: “ I surrender all, all to Him I owe…” and “I will make room for you, to do whatever you want to do- Jesus…your way is […]