December 25, 2024



Filed In

Good Morning and Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas morning filled with warm fuzzy family time.  More importantly, I also hope that you stop for a moment to take in the magnitude of what this day means.  

Over two thousand years ago the Lord became man in the flesh and His name is Jesus. He  was born in a stable and was placed among animals on His first day on earth.  This very act was the first display of His character- a God of all people, the poor and the wealthy.  He didn’t need a big display of opulence to show that He is King of the world. He would make His future teachings, His miracles and His resurrection do that. The Lord allowed Himself to be fully man and experience all of our human temptations and emotions including excruciating pain, so that He could walk the earth teaching His people about His love and concern for us. He didn’t force His ways upon anyone, He lovingly taught and modeled all that we would need to live a content, joy filled, abundant life full of overcoming power.

The Birth of Christ Was Just The Beginning.  

Baby Jesus grew up to be a man who taught for 3 1/2 years on the earth-that’s it, 3 1/2 years!  And since that time we are still talking about Him!  Doesn’t that make you think, at least a little, if you are an unbeliever?  The world’s calendar is based on this date in History, it’s December 25, 2024 A.D. The original phrase “anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi” which translates to “in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  

In the United States, our money is inscribed with “In God We Trust.”  Is there any other King in the history of the world who is remembered like this?  

If you are an atheist, or if you have no idea who the Lord Jesus Christ is, I can tell you one thing, there has never been, nor will there ever be a King/God more important to your well being than our Father in Heaven.  He is your source of happiness, contentment and potential power to overcome all things. I say “potential power” because only those who accept Christ as their Savior and read the powerful words of His Holy Bible will be able to harness this power.

Start A Relationship With Jesus Christ

My prayer for you is that you start a relationship with Jesus by reading the Bible- then He can impart His wisdom to you. The Bible is the inspired Word of God and if you are serious about learning what our Lord has to say- I challenge you to read it consistently.  You don’t need a theology degree to understand Scripture, God will open the minds of people who truly desire to know Him.

“In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see.” (Isaiah 29:18 ESV)  

Music For Your Soul: “Mary, Did You Know?” by Pentatonics.

I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a new year of hope as you draw near to the King of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Most Sincerely,



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